วันอาทิตย์ที่ 7 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2553


Photo from Biology Laborotory Mae Fah Luang University
Thankfullness for all Rats and Frogs for the experment use , case study , trial lab all target for the students do lab and for the kids on the science day.
Be peacefullness and forgive all...sincerly yours,....Pitchapa

The Frog Fatalistic Story

For American Native Course


Long, long time ago one beautiful apple tree has a lot of fruit in its branches, because this apple tree grew up near a big lake. In the reservoir there were many kinds of animals and also one big lotus clump that was giving food for all living animals inside the lake. There was one special frog name 'Erne'; he liked to stay on the big leave of lotus and was singing most of the time in raining season because he enjoyed with the rain and the weather. He was the most smart and happy frog in the lake and it seemed like if he could be human. He is quite much handsome than the overall frogs too. Singing, singing and talking to the other animals day by day. Then the raining season was over and the next coming season was.....summer.

Nearby the lake was the area of rice field there was a rat ,named 'Jingo', living in the deep hole because she did not want to contact with society; she just wanted to live, to be satisfied and to stay alone.
When the summer was coming this year it was very hot and dry . The little pond where Jingo always went to drink was empty and therefore she needed to go to the big lake where the frog was singing. She jumped  strongly, speeding on the lumber. She thought this lumber was safe for her but this was mistake . The lumber was sinking deeply and slowly in the lake. She could not swim anymore and cried ! help me !help me!  please somebody help me ! please. Suddenly Erne heard her voice very quickly and he immediately jumped  where Jingo was. He saw Jingo going deeply in the water of the lake and most of her body was flooding. How can I help ? Tic Toc Tic Toc Tic Toc Brink! Hurry up! Step on me and then you can survive. I am very good in swimming and it is not a problem. Step on me first. The Jingo followed him and the frog could balance her , because she was not so heavy. They could easily swim together to the shore. Finally both of them were safe. Jingo remembered Erne very well and said: "If I have a chance I will never for get you . Thank you so much!

The days had passed and the next coming season was...winter . This year it was very  cold with much snow. Most of the animals stayed in there hole, keeping warm and saving energy for the next season, because it was not easy to find foods in winter. But Erne had not a hole for himself because he was singing most of the time, a talkative man , sleeping and  not knowing  to dig a hold. He did not plans and could not make a hole before there was much snow for this year. He made a walk to knock on all the doors, asking if he could stay there.

Nobody who was living near the lake would help him. He walked and walked  till he came at the rice field where Jingo was living.
"Hello! Is somebody here to help me, please. I am cold and I need to be warm, I need some energy. Please ! Please !

Jingo remembered  that Erne was her X-man survivor. She answered very loud: 'Erne!, come here in my warm hole  with me. I had a lot of rice for living the whole year. No problem, come here."

Erne was very glade to hear somebody ; he thought that nobody  in this world was sincere with him and he felt  Jingo’voice like it was an angle-voice for him. Finally they were living in peace and love in the warm hole till the end of the winter and the new year was coming.

With the high meritoriousness of Erne and Jingo the top most peacefulness God is known by meditation. Both of them were human beings before and also were be peacefulness god in heaven before they were human beings. They were born on earth as a human being to heal the world. But unfortunately the devil knew about them and  the devil used the wizard to damn both  and thus changed  the plans. Because he was a much envious  and jealous man, still have much three poisons in his mind.

All the best of mightiness , powerfulness and miracle of the top most peacefulness God changed Erne and Jingo to be a handsome prince and beautiful princess again . Later on , they got married and continued to heal the world , helping other people like both of them had done before. They helped each other , being together. They were living in peace and love in a castle around with the forest and the flowers.

They always recognized and were thankful for the Top most peacefulness God of the world. Thank you so much.


