I am quite good luck this year enjoy with Chiness new year many time. After with Chinesses friends in Gent and Buddharama Temple in Sint-Niklass. Today still have chance to joy with Fo Guang Shan , Buddhist Temple from Taiwan. The nun said this year had ceremony 3 days for everybody who can come to the temple not only on weekend. Then I am lucky because I could not come on Saturday and Sunday. The procedure chanthing in Mandarin I could not follow this time cause there is no English subtitle for me. The venerable dhamma talk also in Chiness then I just play with little boy R-Tur ^_^( Tee"noy). After dhamma talk is great coming time for foods and wonderful vetgetarian foods by specialist cooking then I know how good and healthy for vegetarain foods. Event you never have chance and society with you will never know . I must tell you !!!.
After food and listen chating with out understand I go to Antwerpen library that is the good place for me too.Just take some books from religions corner.
The first one is the book about Hindunism , the second one is call The Secret in Harem and the third one is something about Turkey could not remember because no time for I have to go back to temple for evening chanting.
I did some shopping from Delhaize the wellknow super market in Belgium with the symbol Black Lion 365.
By Pitchapa Chomduang