To compare the 2 mythological animals from the East.
Maninmongkorn ( ม้านิลมังกร ) is the only mythological animal in the world. It is look like dragon mixed with horse from the mythical story in Thailand name Phra Aphai Mani ( พระอภัยมณี ) by Sunthon Phu ( สุนทรภู่). Maninmongkorn is dangerous and mighty animal. He can run on the water and on the ground very quickly. Also he is very strong and power can endure from alls weapons. But Sudsakorn ( สุดสาคร ) who is the pupil of yogi can control it by a magic walking stick , then he become an animal useful for transportation for Sudsakorn. He is the best friend , honest and safe for Sudsakorn. With the help of him Sudsakorn can escape from the abyss because trust in Nudism who is deceive to stole the magical cane and would like to ride him. But Maninmongkorn is very honestly with Sudsakorn he return to help later.
The characteristics of Maninmongkorn are the body is horse , the head is dragon , the tail like a naga. All body has sapphires be the scale like fish and that is the meaning of his name. He can eat many things like humans, fishes , crabs and leaves.
I like to compare Maninmongkorn with Kylin or Qilin from ancient story China because both of these animals look much similarity with the characteristics. The Kylin from China are , the head is dragon , the body is dear but the hooves like the horse , the tail like a cow, the whole cover with the scales. Following from differently meaning from some dictionary China also has explain that the head is like a dog , the body is mixed with 5 colors are red , yellow , blue , white and black , he has the same colors of mane too. The Kylin is long live more than 1000 years . He can run on the water and on the ground same like Maninmongkorn but Kylin not so dangerous and mighty animal. It follows that he is supremely kindness and be the symbol of goodness things bring of prosperity to the person who see . When the Kylin is appear that mean will have the great person will born soon.
It can be possibility that Sunthon Phu who write Phra Aphai Mani have the imagination of Maninmongkorn from Kylin in China.
The Mythological Thai story name Phra Aphai Mani
By Pitchapa Chomduang