วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 15 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553


New Motivation

Why I am switch to study at FVG and ask for resident card to continue to stay in Belgium as I was a scientist and born it area of Theravada Buddhism ( Thailand , Burma , Laos , Kampuchea and Ceylon ) ? And FVG available Shin-Buddhism and that is pure land Buddhism.
In general term to study about religions no need background what you were and your are it depend on you are interesting and the study can concern with your present life , pass life , next life and useful in future . To study religions do need fantasy , common sense and synthetical thinking then it really no need what background I am. And the point is this Faculty does start the course with bachelor for the first year , so it really do not need what my previous study is. Everybody can start the new thing in life!.
As I was a scientist before this is very good point for me to study about Comparative religions then I can do myself experiments about all religions with me. Then I can visit the Buddhism temples , Christianity churches , Mosque in Islam , Hindu temples, and other admire place also differently sect or the kind of that churches or temples visit too. If I have chance to go then I can compare and know are that place are different or not or the same. I do not have prejudice with when during visit there.
To compare the feeling when visit inside of those temples too. This is the way of scientific method searching for answer when I was a scientist before always compare start with 2 things when do the experiment in the laboratory.
As I am a Buddhist now just Buddhist do not divide Buddhism for me Theravada , Mahayana , Hinnayana , Shin , Zen , Tibetan or others for me is the same Buddhism!!! Please do understand this point very well. Buddhism have the same thing refuge are The Buddhas , the Dharma and the Sangha ( Three Jewels) . And Belgium have all of these kinds of Buddhism in the region then it good to be the advance study in future . And I am not only study in lecture class but also work in the real field for to get and joy with differently kinds of Buddhism here for good life experience for advance in the future .
FVG is the good Faculty because there is open for all religions come to joy together , there is differently from the most of course program study about religion in Europe as I know because they are more focus with Christianity and Bible ( Theology ). But FVG is not like that so many expert Professors from differently religions from abroad come to teaching there.

P.S. This was the essay I did write last 10 months ago.I had to write and did attachting with the appeal delivery by the lawyer . ( That I am understand the step ) because I get the problem to continue my resident card here in Belgium. Since it was following problem from the previous programm with Master of Rural Development(Erasmus Mundus). I am still waiting the respond and I am hopefully there will be the good justice and fair for me.

Amen ,

God bless ,
Dharma help ,

By Pitchapa Chomduang

